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Google AdWords is a form of paid advertising where people implement keywords into campaigns and ads that generate searches for specific products and services. Depending on the conversion action you desire, Amaniac Design will tailor ads under an accompanying ad group and campaign to best target your audience. We will segment and target accordingly to make sure that your audience is being reached and that online searches are generating ads that lead your target audience to the right place— your business!


In-depth keyword research, search term research, negative keyword implementation, inclusion of ad extensions, and constant re-analysis of our strategies, have consistently allowed our clients to gain conversions from current and new customers.

After all, almost 90% of consumers search for their businesses online and Google alone, owns over 70% of the search market share, which can only translate into a higher likelihood of your business getting searched when the right keywords and add are run in a campaign.

AdWords is very adaptable, as we can easily update ads, add or remove keywords, run multiple campaigns at a time, and turn off ads at your will. The transparency of the platform and its cost-effectiveness, combined with our strategies and tactics, will expedite brand awareness and connect to your customers on another level.


We’ll maximize AdWords strategies with Google Analytics, properly implementing tags to track new users on the devices they use the most. We can more deeply analyze demographics, psychographics, e-commerce, purchase behavior, and conversions with the different features this platform offers. Not only will we be able to determine next steps from this, but in conjunction with our AdWords efforts, we’ll get a comprehensive in-depth look across both platforms to take the proper next steps for your business to thrive!

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