Marketing Tip Monday: 60-80% of customers who describe themselves as “satisfied” with a product or service do not go back to do more business with the company that initially caused this reaction, according to a study by Bain & Company. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, customers don’t come back. Perhaps there is a new product out there that took their attention away from yours, or maybe they’ll be back in the future, but the bottom line is they can be wishy-washy and the market can be over-saturated! It is much better and more fruitful to concentrate your efforts on customers that have a purchase history with you and have built brand loyalty. These are the customers who are going to continue to have a relationship with your brand and who continuously believe in your product or service, so it is important to maintain a good relationship with them. These are the ones who will always have the biggest impact on your ROI. Always maintain a strong connection with your past customers via communication on multiple platforms and special offers and promotions first. Then, concentrate the rest of your attention on those who may be on the cusp of making a purchase from your business. To help you tailor your marketing efforts in order to increase customer retention, give Amaniac Design a call.