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Marketing Tip Monday: The first impression that a customer has when they are drawn to pick up a product off the shelf is the way that it looks. Consumers are attracted to appealing packages. Without having ever tried a product, consumers are more likely to buy it if the packaging is attractive, as this is one of the most effective marketing communication tools. Packaging is just as important to the online shopping experience as it is to the in-store shopping experience. The marketplace offers a wider variety of similar products in the same virtual marketplace when consumers shop online. This means they have even more options, so it becomes more important for your product to look appealing. Over half of online consumers say they would shop from a business again if it included premium packaging and 40% even claim to be more likely to share a photo of a product on social media if the packaging is interesting. Amaniac is experienced in designing top-notch, unique packaging that can be mass-produced if necessary, in a manner that won’t break your bank long-term, due to our network of vendors. We’ll create aesthetically pleasing packaging that is simple and straight-forward in order to effectively communicate exactly how your product/service will solve a problem.

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